Arizona Natural Health Services
since 1978
Chandler Arizona Clinic
By Appointment Only
2640 W. Palomino Dr.
Chandler, AZ 85224
Regular appointment hours:
Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm
Sat 9am - 2pm
Other times by special arrangement
We offer our colonic colonics to the Arizona, Phoenix, Ahwatukee, Florence, Sun Lakes, Queen Creek, Casa Grande, Maricopa, Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert and Chandler area. Our Services include colonic irrigation hydrotherapy, Liver Detox, Coffee Inplants, detox & detoxification, Scenar therapy, Cosmodic therapy, enema buckets, lymphatic drainage massage, herbs and herbal solutions, and Voicebio.
Colonic Irrigation Colon Hydrotherapy References. Colonics Colonic Colonics
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We offer our service to the Arizona, Phoenix, Ahwatukee, Florence, Sun Lakes, Queen Creek, Casa Grande, Maricopa, Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert and Chandler area. Our Services include colonic irrigation hydrotherapy, detox & detoxification, lympmatic drainage massage, hcg weightloss products, herbs and herbal solutions, and Voicebio.
Not a do it yourself style of colonic.
Treatment and equipment are based upon the famous Dr. Wood's Chicago Clinic. Our licensed therapists are highly trained to perform the therapy. Our systems are closed and gravity flow. Not the do it yourself type. You will not be left alone.
Emergency Patients
We accept emergency patients, but you must call ahead of time and make arrangements. Specials do not apply to emergency patients and our fee is $80 minimum and $80 per hour after the first hour. Many times these cases are complex, require more time and occur outside of normal clinic hours.
Does your Colon Therapist have a Arizona State issued license? Ask. All of our Colon Therapists are State Licensed Massage Therapists, each with over 20 years of experience. To have a state license in massage therapy, you must be finger printed, criminal background checked every two years, and many other tests and requirements to the standards in the Arizona State Statutes and Laws. Know your therapist and be safe. If we say it, we must be able to prove it. Your confidence is our concern.
